"Catchy Title!"
Misadventurous got it start around 2015 as an exercise to clear my palate from heavier writing. Eventually, I just grew to love the characters and enjoy the world. There's a freedom in comedy/farce that you really can't find in other types of fantasy writing, so it feels like a more pure version of one's ideas. Below is a list of the episodes currently published. In time, I expect the whole story to take between six and seven seasons. Each episode is a novella, between 25,000 and 45,000 words in length.
It Has to Start Somewhere
Mutual failure brings the gang together. Vekkil is doomed.
Pages - 74
Jokes - 75
Villages Saved - 0
Miscast Spells - Yes
Dark Lords - 1
Skeletons - Horde
Disappointed Managers - 1
Pirates - Arrrr(y)
Explosions - 1+

Beden and his friends are wallowing in the mid-ranks of adventuring society. Jyden and hers have run into some trouble as of late. The two groups are thrust together when their adventuring company doesn't know what in the world else to do with them. In the midst of turning a simple investigation into an unlicensed war with a Dark Lord, everyone has to learn to work together if they ever want to get out of the adventuring doldrums.
The Red Ninja Cometh
A new foe lifts the gang's prospects with the Club.
Pages - 80
Jokes - 81
Cities Spared - 0
Haikus - 8
Successful Mailings - 1
Deviant Mummers - 4
Heroic Leaps - 1
Human Bait - 1(Kinda)
Betrayals - ?

After finally finding some middling success dealing with a Dark Lord, the group is tasked with finding some information on the mysterious Red Ninja, who has just made his reappearance in Tirith. Paying no regard to their actual instructions, they set out to lay their most impressive trap to date, but a clash of wills sets the stage for failure.Beden is having a hard enough time dealing with the new group dynamic while embracing his recent failures. But as the new group member’s pasts start to influence their decisions, it could spell doom for the group and for Beden’s hopes of returning to adventuring mediocrity. Jyden has her own struggles and will face the greatest test of her resolve to go her own way.
Into the Horror Wood
Blazing a trail only a few thousand have tread before!
Pages - 114
Jokes - 115
Watery Tarts - 1
Time Travel - Technically
Heroic Janitoring - Yes
Aggressive Tuts - 10+
Oz's Fiancés - 1
Raided Tombs - 1
New Wands - 1

After almost dying of embarrassment when his arch-rival tricked Beden into believing himself the “chosen one,” Beden resolves never to let things go to his head like that again. It’s a noble stance that lasts the better part of a day. When some janitorial duties reveal a hidden map, Beden is right back on that horse. But he can’t go it alone, as the map leads deep into the Horror Wood. He’ll have to find the Executor of Quests to see the path forward and then retrieve a magical sword from the Lady of the Lake… OK, I know what you’re thinking. But this is totally different from other stories. Well, that’s not true. But it’s different from the other stories you’re thinking about. I mean, if aquatic-based weapon retrieval isn’t involved, is it even a fantasy?
The Hat is Your God Now
Costal towns always breed weird religions. Plus, sea gods!
Pages - 154
Jokes - 155
Made-Up Religions - Lots
Tidal Gods - 1
Reunions - 3
Bad Anatomy - 1
Holy Wars - 1
High Paladin Gunk - 1
Strange Friends - Many

Everyone but Arry thinks some time on the coast will do them good, but things get weird quick as the town has been taken over by a new, strange cult. Before they can run, the group gets a task from a god (technically, but a very, very minor god) with a connection to the group. After getting a course in the world’s most disgusting religion, Oz and Jyden start their own, but in this town, those kinds of larks spin out of control quickly. Beden is confronted with someone from his past, someone he both fears and dreads, and he has trouble holding it all together in the midst of the small(ish) holy war that erupts in the town.
To the Dark Lord's Tower (1)
A kidnapped princess makes for grand adventures.
Pages - TBD
Jokes - TBD+1
Frog Storylines - 2
Dark Lords - 2
Cow Spells - 1
Skeletons - Horde
Well-Tipped Interns - 0
Useful Maps - 0
Embarrassing Dances - 1

The group is stretched to their limits through a series of personal conflicts, and somehow this time none of it is Oz’s fault. But they have to put everything aside when the princess is kidnapped and the adventuring world is brought to a halt by royal decree. The odds are stacked against the group, but with the help of an old victim… er, friend, they get the upper hand on the adventuring world.
Things aren’t adding up with the princess’ capture and the group finds themselves in the middle of a series of plots that are all well above their adventuring grade. Can everyone set aside their issues to do some real good in the kingdom?
The Dark Lord Convention
A convention of the most confusing group imaginable.
Pages - 103
Jokes - 104
Villages Saved - 0
Dwarf Contests - 0.5
Magical Devices - Many
Device Backfires - 1+
Townsfolk - Horde
Minion Union Reps - 1
Trollops - 1

Fresh off the complete failure of their first collective mission, our group of stalwart adventurers have some time to kill before they’re tasked with even the most simple of assignments. So they set out on their own, desperate to find any way back into the good graces of the Super Adventurers Club and Big Adventure in general.The Dark Lord, fresh off his latest embarrassment, now has to face the society of Dark Lords at their annual convention. The Dark Lord knows he’ll be the butt of their jokes, but in the process, he hatches a scheme to make them all pay dearly for the way he’s been treated. Now, only if he can get his minion’s union rep to cooperate.
The Made-Up Prophecy
Where we learn to beware of everything in Oz's bag.
Pages - 98
Jokes - 99
Rat-based Gruel - 1
Miscast Spells - Yes
Rat Kings - 1
Crashed Parties - 1
Ruined Parties - 1
Intelligent Water - 1
Exposed Ankles - 1

Fresh off their success with the Red Ninja, Beden is looking forward to another great day as his arch-rival is in serious trouble. But things don’t work out as planned, leaving Beden more than open to the slightest suggestion that his life-s work has some meaning. One brief encounter with the Rat King later, and Beden is ready to put everything else behind him in his quest for glory. But things are never what they seem to be.Meanwhile, Ozindus has his own plans in place to woo a rich newcomer to the noble social scene. But can the nobility save the year’s most important gala from Oz before he succeeds in saving it from general boredom? The eternal struggle between wizard and party planner hits its full stride!
The Final Unicorn
Where we learn that unicorns are not what you think.
Pages - 134
Jokes - 135
Unicorns - Between 1 and 0
Dragons - 2 (Horse Flavor)
Dark Lord Schemes - 1+
Heroic Customer Service - Yes
Meteors - 1
Donkicorns - 1
Helpful Forests - 1

The gang is still on the outs with the Club, which leads to customer service tasks. But out there in the wilds, one never knows when something interesting will appear. The customer service task turns into a mystery involving dead and missing horses, and the potential perpetrators include dragons, horse dragons, ghosts, nihilism, and even potentially a nearby unicorn. Talk about the mythical beast brings up a mystery from Sarah’s past, but her reticence in trusting others leads to a split in the group. Can they bury the hatchet before a fart (explanation inside!) of ogres and a dead old friend bury them? Plus, extra horse dragons!
Red Alert
Toth's past catches up with them all.
Pages - 147
Jokes - 148
Angry Wives - 1
Manybears - Many
Kill Lists - 1/day
Hedge Wizards - Yes
Magical Rituals - 1 (Sorry)
Pocket Gruel - 1
Grand Betrayals - 1

When the final piece of Sarah’s quest suddenly arrives in Tirith, it’s all hands on deck to help her and Sillas. But that plan lasts all of a few moments before a large and angry woman from Toth’s past swoops in. In the process, it becomes a cavalcade of ridiculousness as the gang encounters hedge wizards, remember monkeys, gruel merchants, strange guards with stranger lists, helpful mummers, unhelpful witches, a magical sex college graduate, and even an (I’m so sorry) magical ritual. In the end, the bond the group formed will be tested to its limits, and Jyden will face a decision with no good outcomes.