Here's how the rankings broke down this Episode:
Toth - Seems remarkably capable. Enough so to question running from even a horde of skeletons, but every group has a schtick. Definite top-tier power here, with some to spare. We have to call into question his invisibility, though. Hard to think of a situation where that wouldn’t be game-breaking. Expect nerfs incoming.
Jyden - Outwardly capable. Inwardly capable. Just what happened in the past to lump her in with these rascals? We get a strong leadership sense, so expect her to flex her management muscles in the near future and whip these idiots into shape. Only loses out on the top spot due to Toth being a one-man war machine.
Flammable Materials - The true hero for the first episode. Have to question building whole towns out of it, though. When Vekkil rebuilds, maybe they will invest in Mageco’s new asbestos housing? Guaranteed not to burn*!
* Except your lungs.
The Dark Lord - Mostly unseen, but isn’t that the way for beings of the darkness? Still, he was powerful enough to summon an undead army. Loses points by having his army burnt to a crisp. Maybe now he’ll cough up the extra gold for some Mageco Asbestos-lined Skeletons?
Sillas - In a world that seems immune to Mageco’s Asbestos Marketing Team’s best efforts, the explosivist is king. Not much of a talker, so we wonder how he’ll do when you can’t just blow up your problems. Ha! Who are we kidding? It’s honestly an answer for everything.
Brevant - Outside of Toth, seems like the most powerful adventurer we’ve yet met. But rankings aren’t made by adventuring prowess alone. He’s all about burning bridges and… damn, do we have a fire thing? Anyway, time will tell on this guy, but keep an eye on him.
That One Tree - Powerful enough to conquer a farm. Beguiling enough to fool our heroes. Still, we’re pretty sure there’s a hard cap on how powerful something that can’t move can be. We’re ready to be proven wrong, though. See? No fire comments at all…. Dammit.
Sarah - As a mentalist, she should be near the top of any power ranking. As a fake, she shouldn’t even be listed, like the damn pirate. What’s up with that, anyway? Still, she seems capable, and even if she’s just a sounding board for Jyden, it’s enough to make this list. There are barely ten characters now, anyway.
Beden - Ah, poor Beden. He tries so hard, but at the same time, not everyone is cut out for the adventuring life. If he wants to make this work he’ll have to show us a ton more than he has so far. He’d be the one bringing down the team, but…
Oz - Is he the world’s worst wizard? Probably not, but he hasn’t shown enough for us to really debate that point. Poorly used magic is much, much worse than unused magic, despite what Mageco’s marketing might tell you. He also seems like a bit of a misogynist.