Episode 7 and Some Freebies!
After a staggering amount of time, episode 7 is now live to the world. It’s been written for a while, but I was dragging my feet on editing it while I hoped to get ahead of the game with episodes 9 and 10. But yeah, despite all my efforts, I still write at the same slow speed. So 8 is done, but 9 is at the halfway mark. And 10 isn’t even fully plotted. So in a fit of editing inspiration this weekend, I decided just to get 7 done and out there. The next will follow soon, I think. No need to wait anymore, as it doesn’t change my writing speed any.
Episode 7, the Hat is Your God Now, touches upon religion but in a mostly lighthearted way. Now, one could suggest that there’s no way to mix religion and comedy in a lighthearted manner, and to a certain point, that’s true. When belief of any kind gets in the mix, people sure do get offended quickly. I did my best to present no single point of view above all others, but it’s important to remember that this isn’t a treatise on religion. It’s just a comedy story set in a fantasy world and some gods get involved (a little bit). Oz and Jyden then take matters into their own hands to create their own religion. Strange bedfellows, right?
The end result isn’t inspiring, or eye-opening, or powerful. But it is funny. And it moves the story of these seven strange people forward. So in that, it does everything I could ask it to do.
I’ve had this one in my brain for a while now. The title phrase came to me very early, when I was just messing around with these characters. I found the religions in fantasy stories a bit comical, so I figured I’d turn it all up to 11 and see how it went. Despite knowing how it was going to go, I didn’t actually find too many ways to foreshadow this one, but such is the case when the characters are still feeling each other out.
Plus, some things get to happen that will come back to haunt the gang in later seasons. I think it will all go down in Season 3, but time will tell. I still don’t have Season 2 fully plotted out, so maybe I shouldn’t be planning that far in the future.
For now, I’m just happy to have this one out. One step closer to the first season being ready and I can then market more aggressively. Now… back to writing.
Oh! I almost forgot. I made some mistakes in the cycle of my books being available for free, so I get to put Episode 1 back to free for a few days before things cycle back together in late March. So if you’re stumbling across this, Episode 1 is free through Jan 15th!