Episode Six Coming and New Blog Stuff!

Episode six is now in the chute, ready to go. I’m pretty happy with it, and the cover too. I keep going back and forth on whether or not I like my covers, but I think it works. The numbers have to stay, if nothing else. I hate trying to find where I am in a series as a reader. I wish more authors who write long series would do things to make it obvious.
One interesting thing I did note when compiling everything was how few characters were in this one. Even though it’s one of the longer episodes so far (and they are getting longer) outside of the main cast there are only a handful of named characters that appear in more than one scene. I’m not sure what to think of it. I don’t know if it’s good or bad, all I know is that I like the episode and think it works. Does strike me as odd though that only the main cast really feature in it. I’ll have to keep diversifying the conversation in mind as I move forward. Luckily for my concerns, episode seven is already done and actually has plenty of characters. So probably just a one-off issue.
In other news, over the course of the past few years I’ve build a bit of backstory and color into the world. Most of it is currently in notes form, just waiting for some polish. I’ve done a bit a polishing on some of it and it turns out that I like doing it. So I’ll be turning those into blog posts. I’ll probably use a hashtag like #history or #backstory or something like that, so people can easily search and find things. They won’t take the place of the story, just add some enhancement to the world. Plus, based on what’s been written so far, some minor characters will make various appearances.
If nothing else, it should be fun. The first should drop in later today!
That’s all for the next few days until Episode six goes live. Till then!