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When there is little news to tell, there is little news to tell. But I really need to get back on the horse and keep up with the blog.

Progress on the next episodes of Misadventurous remains steady but slow. If you knew how long ago I actually started, you’d see just how consistently slow I am in creation! Some of the slowdowns came from particularly difficult sections in Episode 8. However, the solutions eventually came to me, and I wound up with two new secondary characters that I fell in love with. So all’s well that ends (well, almost) well. Truth is that I’ve got one last large scene to write and then one quick denouement. And that will be Ep 8, which means I can release Ep 7, which has been done for a while now and just needs an edit.

So that’s news on the Misad front. In other news…

I’ve been wanting to read a good political-focused fantasy recently but have found the pickings rather slim in that regard. Some of what I did find to read could barely qualify as political, or even when they were political, the plots were simplistic and constrained within a few actors.

So failing to find what I was looking for, I decided to write it out. One city, amid a continent falling to a dark force. A king barely clinging on to life. Twenty-four major houses vying for power and primacy. Nine major organizations handling various tasks and intrigues within the city. It’s a powderkeg of epic proportions.

As I’ll be self-publishing, I’ll try and keep the books smaller in size. Two viewpoints per each book to move things along. Future books will change viewpoints. Some POV characters may die or be made irrelevant. I can come back to favorites later on, too.

The first POV character I have down. She’s the mother of one of the house leaders (I call them dynasts) whose struggles in life wound up turning her into a master politician. But the real test for her is in never underestimating the foes she cannot see and understanding the true stakes of the game.

The second POV I’m not as clear about. He’ll be the next-in-line (scion, in my terms) of a smaller house that gets moved up into the 24 after a scandal that resulted in the king being stabbed and on his deathbed. The POV character’s father has a long history with some of the most powerful people and deep secrets that he has no intention of ever sharing, but the powerful people don’t know that.

It’ll be a balancing act between the two, and I have to get through the story in about 40K words per POV to stay on target. Since /I only have broad strokes at this point, I have no idea if that’s realistic or not. I have a matrix set up to define all the relationships between the houses and power centers and am working on a timeline that details the moves each house has made over the recent months. It’s a ton of work, but I think the result is a fast-paced political story that can keep going for several volumes. Even if things in the city get resolved, there’s the dark force that’s conquering the continent (skipping the city due to a secret deal with the king, and a reason for his assassination) that can come into play.\

All in all, I’m excited about it, and looking forward to seeing where it all goes.


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